We are excited to announce the launch of the VICT3R Website, which is now live! This updated website is a key resource for the VICT3R community, featuring comprehensive details about the project, our goals, publications, the latest news, and training resources. It will be the central hub for all project-related information and updates.

As coordinators of our project, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the members of our consortium for the intense activity carried out during the first months of the project, which has already yielded a significant number of tangible and useful outcomes. These achievements are clearly superior to those typically generated during the initial stages of similar collaborative projects. For instance, almost all the companies that take part in the project have already provided significant amounts of control animal data. Consequently, the VICT3R data lake and the VICT3R database are already fully operational, and the data curation pipelines are functioning effectively. Additionally, the development of statistical tools for exploratory data analysis is generating useful results.

On another front, significant progress has been made with the EMA towards regulatory qualification for the use of Virtual Control Groups (VCGs), with the first Context of Use of VCGs being currently assessed by the agency. Moreover, a Scientific and Regulatory Advisory Board has been established with the participation of experts from several key European and international institutions.

The project is also using various channels and fora for disseminating the project goals and activities and for setting up synergistic collaborations with other stakeholders in the field. In this context, the Virtually Speaking webinar series is already attracting a wide audience.

The current success of VICT3R is also evidenced by numerous requests of organisations to join the project which are currently being dealt with by VICT3R’s Executive Committee.

The next Consortium Meeting to be held in Barcelona on February 27th and 28th will focus on “Steps towards achieving regulatory acceptance”. It will provide a great opportunity to learn more about the project achievements, discuss ongoing and future work, and strengthen collaboration among us. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ferran Sanz, Project Coordinator (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Thomas Steger-Hartmann, Project Lead (Bayer AG)

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